Monday, March 8, 2010

My First Multitude Monday list

1. My salvation in Christ Jesus

2. the ease at which I can move about, health and wellness

3. a helpmate who loves me, cares for me and makes me laugh

4. children whom I love dearly

5. comfort ... I have all I need and so much more

6. the word of God and the freedom to pursue it openly

7. a beautiful day full of sun ... it's been a bitter winter

8. quiet time to seek Him and reflect on what He has done

9. friends who have come alongside when i needed them most

10. a new community of brothers and sisters in Christ


Gottjoy! said...

Beautiful list! May we never take for granted #6.

Laura said...

Tina, I just stopped by your other blog and since I'm not a team member there, I thought I'd leave my comment here:

I am just finding you here. I am so behind on my visiting. But I'm glad I stopped by tonight to hear your heart story. My mamma heart just cries reading about your pain. I know it's not over, but maybe the hard part is? I can't wait to read more of the story.