Monday, March 22, 2010

Multitude Monday

11. A deck on which I can enjoy the warmth of spring and birds to the feeder and bath

12. The Holy Spirit within me who stopped me from sharing an angry word

13. A sister to share with, to laugh with ... I love you Maggie

14. Two kittens, a cat and a rebellious little dog to share life with

15. Bible study leaders that take the time to prepare and lead

16. the finances to provide needed medical care for those mentioned in #4

17. Oreo cookies

18. sleeping until I am fully rested

19. a young man who waits with a contrite and hopeful heart

20. grace

1 comment:

Adoption Mama said...

Praying for your son....knowing someone out there who is understanding the pain and grief assosiated with lost treasures is a blessing.

There is an update to "Hoss". I believe it is in February...a post towards the end of the month.

Praying for you too.